
Balcony Plants 5 Ideas – Which ones are right for my Balcony?

Balcony plants! Which plants are the right ones for your balcony, depends on your needs and the location of the balcony. A shady location is suitable for some flowers and a sunny balcony. If you do not want to invest a lot of time in the plants for the balcony, your choice is perhaps to get more perennial plantings.

Balcony Plants
Balcony Plants (Image source)

Other flowers look particularly nice, but their care is challenging and requires some expertise. In the nursery, the seller can advise and educate about specific properties of plants. To be well prepared, check these three things before you go into the garden center to buy plants:

  • How big is your balcony and how much space do you have for the plants?
  • What direction has your balcony – north, south, east or west?
  • Which colour suits the balcony decoration?

Perennial Balcony plants

Some plants for balcony can live over several years and even survive the winter and frost without damage. Such plants are particularly well suited for home gardeners who do not want to re-invest a lot of time in the greening of the balconies every year.

For the sunny balcony

An all-time favourite among sun-seeking plants are Mediterranean sage and thyme which can stand up in full sun and are easy to clean. The shrubs rosemary and lavender tolerate the heat as well. A nice side effect of this can be that the balcony plants spread a pleasant herbal scent.

The patio and balcony plant Oleander conjures a unique flavour to the balcony. The shrub flowers come in many shades of white, red or yellow. Optimal balcony plants for a sunny balcony are bluebells, geraniums, and the yellow-flowered Euphorbia or blood cranesbill with its purple flowers. The uncomplicated flowering stonecrop, begonias or petunias are also suitable as plants for a balcony.

Tips for sunny places

  • Mediterranean plants such as sage, thyme, rosemary, and lavender can tolerate much sun
  • Classic Flowers for the balcony are geranium or petunia
  • Wherever possible, choose large plants
  • Lavender is one of the plants that tolerates much sun and gives the scent

For those who like it flourishing lush and classic geraniums or bougainvillea are great as balcony plants. These plants for a balcony are simple. If you don’t want to water them twice a day, you should choose large vessels for balcony plants. Even better: Mix the soil of balcony plants with a generous serving of clay. This saves water when the rest of the soil is dry.

 For balconies with shade or partial shade

Flowering season, perennials and small shrubs flourish as balcony plants on the north facade or in the shade. A survivor, which needs no sun, is the fuchsia. It blooms and feels fit as a fiddle, whereas other balcony plants have long-hanging leaves.

Tips for shady locations

  • Balcony plants: fuchsia, monkshood, Bellflower also thrive in the shadow
  • Cover balcony plants on cold nights with newspaper
  • Choose bright and light-reflective exterior paint

For pots and boxes in the shade snowflakes flowers or tuberous begonias are good options. For those who prefer a delicate and blue colour, which is warmly recommended the balcony plants lobelia, and ageratum will work.

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